
Are you a landlord or tenant looking to make your move-in inspection process as smooth and stress-free as possible?

Here we'll provide you with essential tips and tricks to ensure the success of your move-in inspections. We'll also highlight the benefits of these inspections for both landlords and tenants and explain how you can protect your rental property and set clear expectations for its care.

What Is a Move-In Inspection?

A move-in inspection is a walkthrough conducted by landlords to check for any damage beyond normal wear and tear in a rental property before someone moves in.

This critical step in the rental process serves to document the condition of the property before occupancy, safeguarding both the landlord's investment and the tenant's security deposit.

The components of a move-in inspection include examining the property exterior, interior, appliances, plumbing, and electrical systems.

The Importance of Move-In Inspections

Move-in inspections are important for all parties involved with a property.

For landlords, they help document the condition of the rental property, preventing disputes over damages and ensuring the security deposit is used fairly. For tenants, move-in inspections provide an opportunity to identify pre-existing damage, ensuring they are not held responsible for any issues that were already there.

Additionally, these inspections help establish expectations for the care of the property and set the stage for open communication between landlords and tenants.

This is particularly useful for the eventual move-out inspection. Inspection reports serve as a valuable point of reference to confirm whether damages or normal wear and tear occurred throughout the duration of the tenant's lease.

Venn diagram of the benefits inspections have for landlords, tenants, and both

Benefits for Landlords

Landlords benefit from move-in inspections by having a written record of the property's condition before tenants arrive. This inspection report serves as documentation that can help mitigate disputes over damages and protect landlords from potential legal action, particularly when it comes time for the move-out inspection.

Furthermore, move-in inspections allow landlords to identify any repairs or maintenance that need to be addressed before the tenant moves in, ensuring the property remains in excellent condition throughout the lease term.

This can also keep repair costs low by allowing landlords to tackle minor issues from a previous tenant or normal wear and tear before those problems become major ones.

Benefits for Tenants

Tenants also reap significant advantages from move-in inspections. By establishing a baseline for the property's condition at the start of the lease, tenants can ensure they are not held responsible for pre-existing damage through security deposit deductions.

Additionally, move-in inspections help tenants identify any issues with the rental unit that need to be addressed by the landlord, setting clear expectations for property maintenance and ensuring they'll be happy and comfortable living in their new home.

Essential Components of a Move-In Inspection

A thorough move-in inspection consists of several essential components, including inspecting the property exterior, interior, appliances, plumbing, and electrical systems.

By carefully examining each of these areas, landlords can identify any existing damage or necessary repairs, ensuring that the rental property remains in top condition for the duration of the lease.

Tenants, on the other hand, can ensure they are not held responsible for any pre-existing issues, allowing them to enjoy their new living space without worry.

Property Exterior

When inspecting the property exterior, pay close attention to the roof, gutters, siding, windows, doors, and landscaping. Make sure there are no broken windows. Check for any damage, such as cracks, holes, or other issues that may require repair or maintenance.

Property Interior

The property interior inspection should cover walls, floors, ceilings, windows, doors, appliances, plumbing, and electrical systems. Don't forget to check the safety features, such as smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, to ensure they are functioning correctly.


During the move-in inspection, examine all appliances, such as the dryer, washing machine, refrigerator, freezer, ice maker, and water heater. Ensure they are in proper working order and free of damage or malfunctions.

By thoroughly inspecting the appliances, landlords can prevent conflicts regarding appliance-related issues, and tenants can enjoy the convenience of fully functional appliances in their new home.


Inspecting the plumbing is a crucial step during a move-in inspection. Check pipes, faucets, and toilets for any signs of leaks, clogs, or damage.

Addressing these issues before the tenant moves in ensures the plumbing is in proper working order and reduces any misunderstandings regarding plumbing-related problems.

This can be especially important if the rental unit shares walls with any neighbors.

Electrical Systems

During the move-in inspection, carefully examine electrical outlets, light switches, and smoke detectors. Ensure they are functioning correctly and free of damage or malfunctions. Double-check that all light fixtures are operating correctly as well.

In addition to preventing potential conflicts, inspecting the electrical systems ensures the safety and convenience of the new tenant during the occupancy.

Major parts of rental property inspection

Step-by-Step Preparation for a Successful Move-In Inspection

Preparation is the key to a successful move-in inspection.

Start by creating a comprehensive checklist covering all aspects of the rental property. Next, gather necessary documents such as the lease agreement, move-in inspection form, and any photos or videos taken during the inspection.

Finally, schedule the move-in inspection ahead of time, ensuring that both the landlord and tenant are present to foster open communication and mutual understanding of the property's condition.

Create a Checklist

A move-in inspection checklist is an invaluable tool for both landlords and tenants. Ensure that your checklist includes the name and address of the property, the resident's name, apartment number, and unit.

Include detailed sections covering all areas of the property. Remember: you want to include the exterior, interior, appliances, plumbing, and electrical system of the rental property.

Your move-in inspection checklist should be very detailed so that you perform a comprehensive investigation and have thorough documentation. Here are some examples of big and small nitty-gritty details to look at:

  • Bathroom exhaust fan
  • Toilet seat
  • Oven light
  • Oven vent
  • Window shades
  • Garage door
  • Closet lights
  • Door and window locks

Make sure there are no kitchen appliance or HVAC system malfunctions, but also look out for minor issues like a squeaky door, chipped paint, nail holes, finicky light switch, and faulty electrical outlet. Ensure each door closes properly and each toilet flushes fully. Check closet lights. Separate each of the property's rooms on the checklist. Be thorough!

Create space for notes and photos to provide a comprehensive record of the inspection. Templates are available online to help you create a thorough and accurate checklist.

Things to check in move-in inspections and move-out inspections

Gather Necessary Documents

Having the necessary documents on hand is crucial for a smooth move-in inspection. For example:

  • Lease agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the rental property
  • Photos and videos providing visual evidence of the property's condition
  • Move-in inspection form recording the condition and contents of the property before the new tenant moves in

Both the landlord and tenant should sign the move-in inspection form to confirm their agreement on the property's state.

Necessary documents for move-in inspections for tenant and landlord

Schedule the Inspection

The best time to schedule the move-in inspection is before the new tenant moves in and when both the landlord and tenant are available.

Both parties should be present for the inspection to achieve clear communication and understanding and allow them to address any issues or discrepancies that arise.

The landlord or property manager is responsible for scheduling the inspection. They should include the notice of an upcoming inspection in the lease agreement letter for the new tenant moving in and the lease termination letter for previous tenant moving out.

After the Inspection

After the move-in inspection, document any issues you've found. If anything requires the landlord's attention immediately, make sure to address them. Take note of anything that may just be normal wear and tear.

Keep these notes in mind for the eventual move-out inspection. With proper documentation, the landlord and tenant can have a smooth transition at the end of the lease term.

By addressing any issues found during the inspection, both parties can enjoy a stress-free rental experience.

How to Document Issues Found During the Inspection

To effectively document any issues found during the move-in inspection, consider using a mobile app or checklist. Record all relevant details, including dates, signatures, photos, and detailed descriptions of each issue.

How to Address These Issues

Landlords should address major issues like appliance malfunctions and faulty door locks immediately.

However, tenants may request other repairs or replacements based on the inspection results. It's the landlord's responsibility to address any pre-existing issues, so communicate with your tenant to determine which items you can both agree on tackling. Sometimes negotiations may be necessary.

Maintaining clear communication during this process is crucial for establishing a positive landlord-tenant relationship and avoiding security deposit issues down the line.

Things to Keep in Mind for Eventual Move-Out Inspection

When preparing for the eventual move-out inspection, you should reference your documented notes from the move-in inspection.

Tenants are not responsible for pre-existing damage from before they moved in, and landlords are not responsible for issues beyond normal wear and tear. By comparing move-in inspection and move-out inspection reports to one another, you can determine who is responsible and whether the security deposit needs to be used.

The end goal is to have the property returned to the landlord in the same condition as when the lease began and achieve a stress-free move-out process.

Navigating Landlord-Tenant Laws

Navigating landlord-tenant laws can be challenging, especially when it comes to security deposit regulations, lead paint disclosures, and state-specific regulations. By familiarizing yourself with local laws, you can ensure compliance and protect your interests as a landlord or property manager.

In the following sections, we'll explore some of the key legal considerations surrounding move-in inspections and provide guidance on how to navigate these complexities for your property.

Security Deposit Regulations

Laws for security deposits and security deposit deductions vary from state to state and may include provisions regarding the maximum amount a landlord can charge, the timeframe for returning the deposit, and the conditions under which the deposit can be withheld.

By understanding these regulations, landlords can avoid disputes and confidently operate within the limits of the law.

Likewise, tenants can protect their rights and receive a fair return of their security deposits.

Lead Paint Disclosures

Lead paint disclosures are a federal requirement for rental properties built before 1978 (i.e., the year the government banned the use of lead paint in residential homes).

Landlords must provide new tenants with information about the risks and hazards of lead-based paint. They must detail where the lead paint is located and the condition of the painted surfaces throughout the unit as well.

By complying with these regulations, landlords can protect themselves from potential legal action and ensure the safety of their tenants.

State-Specific Regulations

State-specific regulations can impact various aspects of the landlord-tenant relationship, including tenant rights, landlord responsibilities, and the eviction process.

Depending on the state, some other hazardous materials or compounds should also be disclosed. For example, although Illinois does not require landlords to conduct radon testing in their property, the state does require them to disclose the existence of radon to their tenant if they're aware of it.

It's essential for both landlords and tenants to familiarize themselves with the laws in their specific state.

How to Make Move-In Inspections Easy and Stress-Free

To make move-in inspections easy and stress-free, consider using rental property inspection software. You can also adopt a property management software like DoorLoop to document your findings and communicate with your tenants regarding normal wear and tear, necessary repairs, and more.

These platforms streamline the inspection process, making it easier for landlords and tenants to conduct thorough move-in inspections.

By leveraging technology and following the tips provided here, both landlords and tenants can enjoy a hassle-free move-in inspection process, a successful rental experience, and a property that's in great shape.

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