
When people visit their favorite restaurant or mall, they may not think too much about the parking spaces that they pull into. However, smooth parking experiences come from proper planning and consideration, and the same applies to homeowners associations.

Parking can be a nightmare for many reasons including the types of vehicles people want to park, the number of cars one resident may have, etc. As is the case with most things in an HOA, the board is responsible for ensuring that association parking rules are established and enforced.

CC&Rs are expected to establish what the parking policies of the association are so residents will be aware and so that the required actions can be taken when these rules are not followed.

Parking Can Be a Huge Problem within the Community

Today's market is one in which it seems incredibly easy to purchase a car, whether it be new or used. More people choosing to drive means that parking becomes a greater concern. With that said, the aim here is to look at some of the typical HOA parking rules and some other helpful key details.

Common HOA Parking Rules and Regulations

It's not impossible to have smooth parking management in an association. However, the HOA is expected to make sure that its policy is comprehensive and that it is also enforced well.

That being said, not every HOA will have the same kinds of regulations. However, here's a look at some sample HOA parking rules that tend to be very common.

Duration of Parking

Of course, if someone is parking on their own property, then it's a non-issue and they can do so for as long as they like, but what about other places in the community? A limit will often be established for how long vehicles can be parked around the locale so people don't just abandon their cars in arbitrary places.

Vehicles Allowed

This one is pretty popular as HOAs see the value in placing restrictions on the types of vehicles that can be parked in the development. Prohibitions tend to include huge vehicles such as RVs, trailers, boats, and commercial vehicles.

A part of this is the space concern since these vehicle types are on the bulkier side of the fence. Apart from that, they tend to be visually unappealing in the community. Remember that visual appeal is a big part of HOA considerations for the good of property values and the maintenance of a good quality of life for those living within the association.

Where to Park

Things can get a bit tricky whenever the aim is to regulate where exactly residents are allowed to park. This is especially true if the HOA in question is not in a private or gated development. Barring this consideration, most HOAs will be able to enforce rules in this sense, indicating where guests can park and if driveways can be used.

Parking Restrictions on the Street

Public Streets

Street parking rules typically cannot be enforced by an HOA over public roads. For clarity, these are roads that are maintained by the government and are open to the public. Since the local government is responsible for them, any violations would come from the law and would be handled by the relevant police department.

That's why HOAs that have issues with public streets are encouraged to reach out to local authorities to handle them. Note, however, that there are some notable exceptions where stipulations present in governing documents grant the association power over these kinds of streets.

Even then, it's recommended to check in with an attorney before making any moves as enforcing HOA parking may not be allowed.

Private Streets

Private streets within the community are a bit more straightforward since the HOA will usually have complete control. These roads fall under association ownership which means that the organization can freely decide how they are treated.

Such streets will usually be found within gated communities or where there are private developments. Parking on private streets can be regulated for both residents and non-residents. Of course, how this is approached will still depend on what governing documents and state laws have to say about the matter.

How HOA Parking Enforcement Works


HOA parking restrictions are meant to be communicated effectively, and this can be achieved in several ways. However, one of the important elements is to ensure that there are signs posted appropriately based on where they apply.

If there is an area where parking shouldn't be allowed but there is no sign to indicate such, then the HOA did not do its job.

A good idea is also to ensure that fire lanes are painted in red so no one parks in those spots. Remember that awareness is one of the compliance prerequisites. You can't expect people to be following rules when they don't even know that they exist.


An HOA may give warnings where parking regulations are being violated. You may have homeowners who are repeat violators. As indicated before, it's essential to ensure that these people know that they are breaking a rule in the first place.

While some people genuinely didn't know about a prohibition, others may have just decided to start violating the rules because they see nothing wrong with doing so.

It's a good idea to keep track of violations where people have been given warnings and advised of their rule-breaking. An HOA parking violation notice won't cut it for continued instances. There comes a time when more serious courses of action will need to be taken.

Ensuring Residents Are Updated

At this point, we've highlighted the importance of information quite a few times, but it's for good reason. However, it's not just about ensuring that homeowners are aware of parking rules at a point in time. It's entirely possible that new policies may be introduced or that there may be changes to existing rules. These also need to be communicated effectively in the shortest possible order.

Consider having a rundown of HOA parking regulations in the welcome packages that are given to new residents. You'd be surprised how much the concept of awareness solves.

Having Alternatives Ready

This should go without saying, but not every HOA realizes how obvious it should be. If you're going to be telling people that they can't park in places, it should be because there are designated places where they are expected to park.

An HOA cannot just prohibit parking everywhere with no alternate solution in sight. That's the kind of thing that will cause violations to skyrocket.


Sometimes, if people won't use the designated parking lot and aren't changing their behavior regardless of the warnings given (provided proper alternatives are in place) then the duty to enforce parking restrictions may see the need to tow vehicles.

Bear in mind that this should never be the immediate solution to a violation. Remember that there is a cost associated with towing and taking this action can also make relations less favorable. However, it may need to be considered as a last resort.

The Role of HOA Tenants

HOA parking rules are meant to ensure that the community's positive appearance is maintained and that property values are upheld. Tenants may not be homeowners, but they are still expected to uphold the rules of the association.

A tenant is expected to thoroughly review the rules of the HOA and ensure that they are being consistently followed.

On that note, homeowners also have a responsibility as they need to ensure that their screening process yields good tenants.

Manage HOA Affairs Smoothly with Custom Software

Parking is one of several areas of management that an HOA requires, which is why things can get so hectic. However, DoorLoop's management software is here to ease the burden. Consider the following features:

  1. Free website per property or community with a well-designed tenant portal
  2. Automated payment management of HOA dues, fines, amenities, maintenance and more
  3. Accounting suite with shareable AR/AP reporting
  4. Synchronization of QuickBooks and bank accounts
  5. Unlimited management users
  6. Management of ARC and maintenance requests
  7. Use of text, email, phone, or portal messages for communication

The Bottom Line

An HOA has a lot going on including meeting community homeowners association insurance requirements, addressing complaints, and more. Parking is one in a long line of duties but it must be handled well for the sake of property value and aesthetic maintenance.

Don't let all the management tasks get to you. Schedule a free demo of DoorLoop's HOA management software today!

Frequently Asked Quesitons

David is the co-founder & Head of Special Projects of DoorLoop, a best-selling author, legal CLE speaker, and real estate investor. When he's not hanging with his three children, he's writing articles here!

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The information on this website is from public sources, for informational purposes only and not intended for legal or accounting advice. DoorLoop does not guarantee its accuracy and is not liable for any damages or inaccuracies.
