
Rent control policies have been debated for many years throughout the country. If a landlord wishes to raise the rent, they must first check if their state has rent control; otherwise, they could face legal consequences.

Today, we'll cover if there are any rent control rules in Arizona, so you can draft your lease agreement in the most accurate way possible and schedule your rent payments.


  • Does the Landlord Need a Reason to Raise Rent?: No
  • Is There a Limit on Rental Prices?: No
  • How Much Notice Is Required?: 7 or 30 days, depending on the lease term.

Arizona Rent Control

No, there aren't any rent control laws in Arizona at the moment. Arizona laws prevent local governments to impose rent control laws, which gives landlords much more freedom when managing their week-to-week or month-to-month tenancy agreements.

Rent Increase Laws

Let's address the most common concerns surrounding the tenant's process for paying rent in this state:

How Much Can Arizona Landlords Raise in Monthly Rent?

As long as you get the tenant notified in time, you can raise the rent by any amount you consider appropriate. Currently, there aren't any legal limits on how much landlords can raise Arizona rent.

Still, it's recommended that landlords charge a reasonable amount of rent according to what the average housing rate establishes. Otherwise, they may have trouble finding tenants.

How Often Can Arizona Landlords Raise Rent?

As with the previous section, you have plenty of liberty when it comes to when you're raising the rent.

However, keep in mind that you should give your tenant proper notice before raising rent, and unless you specify it on your rental agreements, you shouldn't raise the rent during the lease's fixed term.

Finally, you can't increase the rent for retaliatory or discriminatory reasons.

How Much Notice do Landlords Need to Give?

It depends on the type of lease:

  • Monthly Leases: 30 days' notice.
  • Weekly Leases: 10 days' notice.

Now, in the case of yearly leases, the landlord should wait until the lease ends. There aren't any particular notice requirements for this period, but landlords are expected to act in good faith.

If the landlord fails to send notice, Arizona state laws allow tenants to seek legal action.

Are There Any Exceptions to Rent Increases According to Arizona Law?

Yes. As mentioned before, landlords can't increase the future rent price under any of these situations:

  • It's the middle of the current lease term.
  • They're doing it for discriminatory or retaliatory reasons.

Now, what counts as "discrimination"? According to the Federal Fair Housing Act, landlords can't deny rental housing or increase rent to discriminate against a person for the following:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Sexual orientation
  • Nationality
  • Religion
  • Origin
  • Familial status
  • Disability

On the other hand, we have retaliation. Your rent price increases will be considered retaliatory if you do them in response to these scenarios:

  • The tenant filed a complaint with a law enforcement agency because you didn't ensure the property's safety or enforce the wage-price stabilization act.
  • The tenant joined or organized a group/union for other Arizona tenants.
  • The tenant filed a complaint because you failed to uphold your responsibilities.

It's also important to note that any of these actions are considered retaliatory if you do them within six months after these scenarios happened.

Bottom Line

That's all you need to know! Every tenant owes what the landlord charges them according to the lease. However, it's recommended for landlords to offer a reasonable cost for rent if they want to ensure people consider their property.

If you want more information about managing your rental unit, a security deposit, or prepaid rent, make sure to read the rest of our resources!

Free Forms for Arizona Landlords

Check our free forms page to get everything you need to rent your dwelling unit!



What Happens if a Tenant Doesn't Pay Rent?

According to law, a tenant isn't allowed to withhold rent unless the landlord deliberately didn't supply essential services to them.

However, if the tenant didn't pay rent on time for any reason, the landlord is allowed to charge late fees according to Arizona state law.

Why Isn't There Rent Control in Arizona?

There isn't any particular reason. State laws prohibit rent control policies, so cities/counties can't enforce them on landlords.

What Are Common Tenant Obligations in Arizona?

  • Keeping the property clean
  • Paying rent on time
  • Not doing any illegal activities on the property
  • Not disturbing neighbors
  • and more

In exchange, landlords are also required to comply with applicable building codes, ensure all appliances work correctly, etc.

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David is the co-founder & Head of Special Projects of DoorLoop, a best-selling author, legal CLE speaker, and real estate investor. When he's not hanging with his three children, he's writing articles here!