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New Jersey
Number of Units
1 - 10
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New Jersey
Number of Units
1 - 10
Property Types
"DoorLoop has significantly improved my life with its simple automations for recurring rent payments, HOA taxes, and insurance. With these features, I no longer have to manually create new journal entries and expense lines every month."

Harrison Furman

Property Manager

Read the full testimonial

Really like the software, it was very compatible to competitors and really easy to use. Then I asked about the price and he gave me the price and it just blew the competitors out of the water. It wasn't even like an option of like, all right, can I just sign up, like I'm ready to go.

Hi, my name is Harrison. I own and manage properties for a company called Greenwave Capital. Our company specializes in condo and apartment buildings in New Jersey and we rent them out to tenants on a one-year basis, two-year basis or a three-year basis.

How did you do things before DoorLoop?

Before I started using DoorLoop, I was using QuickBooks and Excel. I really just started with Excel. Then I upgraded to QuickBooks and then I looked into DoorLoop and I found DoorLoop actually more cost-efficient than each property having their own QuickBooks account and it was a very easy decision. Same accounting software, same reporting. It was a very easy decision just to switch DoorLoop just because the cost efficiencies compared to QuickBooks.

How has DoorLoop helped automate your business?

DoorLoop has made my life very easy with simple automations, with reoccurring rent payments, reoccurring HOA, taxes, insurance, just a simple reoccurring stuff. So I don't have to, every month, go and add a new journal entry, a new expense lineup reoccurring every month. So that alone has saved me a lot of time. Four or five expenses every month times multiple properties, saves me a lot of time. On average, I think I've probably spent one to three hours savings so far per month just on adding the simple reoccurring steps.

What is your favorite DoorLoop Feature?

My favorite feature in DoorLoop is the profit loss statement, not just because you want to see how much money you made, but also you can see, how they break it down. You can break it down by the unit, you can break it down by the property. So if you have multiple units of one property, you can look at just that property or if you want to see the whole portfolio, or you want to see just exactly each unit or just all them at once, you have different breakdowns. I think that's really incredibly helpful when you're trying to find cost-cutting measures with other expenses is how do I cut my costs? But you need to know where the costs are at before you cut them.

What was your onboarding process like?

What's so cool was on these packages you actually get training sessions or offsets people would help you set up your new software. So I have three first sessions with Aaron, very great guy. Very nice, very helpful. And we set everything up and pretty much proficient very easy, very easy from the beginning to end. Everything in between was totally awesome.

What is one piece of advice you will give other property managers?

My advice to real estate and property managers is find ways to automate stuff to make your life easier, it helps you save time. Me automating my software with DoorLoop with rent, expenses has helped me increase rent. I can see what my other properties are charging, as a whole, a straight line across where it calls for a straight line, helps to increase rent next time for the next lease, which increases your bottom line at your cost, increases your bottom line. So if you automate a lot of this stuff, a lot of the information in it, you can actually look, compare and actually increase your rent, decrease your expenses, which really increases your EBITDA bottom line. Really my two cents would be, invest in automation because automations can save you time and time equals money, and you'll have more money at the end of day.

Read the full testimonial

Really like the software, it was very compatible to competitors and really easy to use. Then I asked about the price and he gave me the price and it just blew the competitors out of the water. It wasn't even like an option of like, all right, can I just sign up, like I'm ready to go.

Hi, my name is Harrison. I own and manage properties for a company called Greenwave Capital. Our company specializes in condo and apartment buildings in New Jersey and we rent them out to tenants on a one-year basis, two-year basis or a three-year basis.

How did you do things before DoorLoop?

Before I started using DoorLoop, I was using QuickBooks and Excel. I really just started with Excel. Then I upgraded to QuickBooks and then I looked into DoorLoop and I found DoorLoop actually more cost-efficient than each property having their own QuickBooks account and it was a very easy decision. Same accounting software, same reporting. It was a very easy decision just to switch DoorLoop just because the cost efficiencies compared to QuickBooks.

How has DoorLoop helped automate your business?

DoorLoop has made my life very easy with simple automations, with reoccurring rent payments, reoccurring HOA, taxes, insurance, just a simple reoccurring stuff. So I don't have to, every month, go and add a new journal entry, a new expense lineup reoccurring every month. So that alone has saved me a lot of time. Four or five expenses every month times multiple properties, saves me a lot of time. On average, I think I've probably spent one to three hours savings so far per month just on adding the simple reoccurring steps.

What is your favorite DoorLoop Feature?

My favorite feature in DoorLoop is the profit loss statement, not just because you want to see how much money you made, but also you can see, how they break it down. You can break it down by the unit, you can break it down by the property. So if you have multiple units of one property, you can look at just that property or if you want to see the whole portfolio, or you want to see just exactly each unit or just all them at once, you have different breakdowns. I think that's really incredibly helpful when you're trying to find cost-cutting measures with other expenses is how do I cut my costs? But you need to know where the costs are at before you cut them.

What was your onboarding process like?

What's so cool was on these packages you actually get training sessions or offsets people would help you set up your new software. So I have three first sessions with Aaron, very great guy. Very nice, very helpful. And we set everything up and pretty much proficient very easy, very easy from the beginning to end. Everything in between was totally awesome.

What is one piece of advice you will give other property managers?

My advice to real estate and property managers is find ways to automate stuff to make your life easier, it helps you save time. Me automating my software with DoorLoop with rent, expenses has helped me increase rent. I can see what my other properties are charging, as a whole, a straight line across where it calls for a straight line, helps to increase rent next time for the next lease, which increases your bottom line at your cost, increases your bottom line. So if you automate a lot of this stuff, a lot of the information in it, you can actually look, compare and actually increase your rent, decrease your expenses, which really increases your EBITDA bottom line. Really my two cents would be, invest in automation because automations can save you time and time equals money, and you'll have more money at the end of day.

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